Friday, October 30, 2009

How Much Food is in Your Pantry?

If you are like most people, your pantry is where you keep all of your non-perishable food. It probably only holds enough food for a week or maybe ten days. Combine that with the food in your freezer, and that is all of the available food that you have.

But, what if some emergency should occur. It could be something that only lasts for a few days. Or, it could last a lot longer. What would you do if a situation lasted more than a week or two? Add to that, what if you could not get any supplies during the emergency? It might get a little uncomfortable, to say the least.

The answer is being prepared. But, how? It is really quite simple.

What if you had an area in your home that you could use as a storeroom? You could add a two week supply in that room. Consider it your exended pantry. Some people have laid in as much as a five year supply of food that they usually like to eat.

Now, it may be difficult for some people to buy a five year supply all at one time. But, you don't have to do it all in a day. It can be accomplished gradually.

Make a plan, and stick to it. Decide what you and your family usually like to eat. Then, decide on how much you can lay in each month. Once you have stored a month supply then work to increase it to two months. Eventually, you can have your own five year supply. And, I'm talking about breakfast, lunch and dinner each day. Plus, the snacks that you like.

Face it, we live in uncertain times. What we have taken for granted for most of our lives could change drastically at the drop of a hat. And, you need to be ready!

Start today by learning about how to store up the food that you need. Learn about long term storage food. It has a shelf life of more than fourteen years. And, it can be purchased in either small or large quantities.

Learn about how to do your own home canning. It is easy to learn. You can add to your long term storage food by canning. Even lay in a two year supply of home canned foods. Have them labeled so you can rotate your stock.

Begin today. There is no better time to start preparing your own storage area.